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 Jay - The Artful Nomad


I am fortunate enough to live on the South West coast of Scotland in a beautiful old fishing village. Just a short walk from my home is the magical Dunure Labyrinth and the ancient Dunure Castle. A stone's throw away from atmospheric beaches and beautiful woodlands, hills and forests.

I can be found wandering about in nature or swimming in the sea or lochs, taking photographs and film attempting to capture the perfect wave or the glint on a sunkissed leaf. I enjoy painting and drawing and occasionally I am a life model for local life drawing groups. I like creating a peerie something with found objects that I have stumbled upon along the shoreline. I grow plants, read and practice meditation and yoga. My spiritual practices are embedded into my everday routine, not just when I have time. Creativity and Spirituality are core elements of my being and I hold a high reverence for Mother Nature.

My nomadic spirit follows a trio of pathways ~ Spirituality, Creativity and Nature. I find that these three elements interweave themselves and take me on a merry dance of ebb and flow, chaos and calm, hyperactivity and stillness. Learning how to harness these three pathways of free flowing energy, and plait them into a tangible practice has led me through a vast array of rich life experience. It is the culmination of over twenty years of spiritual practice, study, learning and growing that I bring to you the services I offer.

What my clients say...

All services are conducted with complete confidentiality.

"Jay's friendly, warm and professional approach puts me completely at ease.

The safe, calm and relaxed atmosphere she creates enables me to talk freely and openly about my issues and, having begun to put her advice into practice, my life has already taken a positive turn. Coping with anxieties and stresses has become much easier thanks to Jay's therapy sessions and I truly treasure my time spent with her at her practice."

~All testimonies are published anonymously, with full permission and deep gratitude ~


BA Hons Contempory Arts Practice

COSCA Certificate in Counselling Skills

Certificate in Suicide Prevention

Certificate in Transactional Analysis

Certificate in Small Business Skills

Reiki Practitioner II

Crystal Wand Facial Massage Practitioner

Areas of life experience, special interest & continual development include:

Painting & Craft Making - Mixed media & found objects. Photography & Film. Founder & Facilitator of the Bead Blanket Gatherings.

Bead Reading. Intuitive Energy Healing. Spiritual Mediumship. Spiritual Readings using beads, jewellery, metal, silk fabric, fresh flowers, beads, bones, seeds, stones, crystals & drawings. Art & Creative Therapy. Meditation. Breathwork. Labyrinth Meditation. Talking Stick. Groupwork & Workshops. Addiction. 12 Step Programme. Behavioural Difficulties. Sexual & Domestic Abuse. LGBTQ. Stress & Anxiety.

Current Training in progress:

Bardic Grade - Order of Bards Ovates and Druids (OBOD)

Children's Yoga Practitioner - British School of Yoga


Professional Memberships:

Scottish Artist's Union

Over the past 20 years I have worked within third sector organisations, with private individuals, groups and facilitated many creative and mental health workshops. During that time I have run a number of therapeutic workshops with a creative focus. I created, co-ordinated and facilitated a support group for four years - specifically for women struggling with a wide range of mental health challenges and diagnoses. I have had the priviledge to work with clients of a variety of backgrounds and genders; including individuals with a history of behavioural & sexual difficulties, victims of domestic abuse and adults with a range of addiction issues. In 2012 I founded The Bead Blanket. A creative therapy using thousands of lose beads. A tactile and stimulating activity encouraging creativity, peer support and self reflection.


Although I have had psychic and clairvoyant abilities since I was a young child, I have developed this further by studying and practicing Mediumship and Spiritual Energy Healing. This experience was gained in formal settings within development circles and through training workshops since 2005.

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